Alexis Gray’s Ex-Boyfriend

ELN is able to report Alexis Gray’s ex-boyfriend is Greg Seelagy. Seelagy is listed as a first-year student in the Elon student directory.
We reached out to Seelagy for comment but he declined.
Seelagy was arrested this past summer and has charges pertaining to a road rage incident.
Court records state that he pointed a handgun at another driver on I-95 in Lower Makefield, PA. Lower Makefield is 8 miles away from Trenton, NJ.
The police investigation revealed that he had an air-soft handgun which was found inside a trash can at a Barnes and Noble in Falls Township, PA. Falls Township is 12 miles away from Lower Makefield.
Seelagy is due in court on January 10.
Posted in: Crime
This is victim blaming
As a senior communications major here, I find it incredibly unprofessional, insensitive, and frankly embarrassing that this is what our student media feels is important to report. Forget media ethics, let’s show a little compassion for this first-year student who is in his first semester at Elon and is clearly going through an emotionally taxing situation that is hard enough to deal with, without his fellow students exploiting him by prying into his personal life further than public record would have done. All I have left to say is shame on you.
“stolen” off facebook. That is not a real thing.
This is incredibly inappropriate and insensitive. To write about the situation is one thing, but to delve into their personal pictures - evidently stolen off Facebook - is invasive and frankly unprofessional. Alexis is under enough pressure as it is, and to publicly expose a photo of her in her bathing suit, or with her ex-boyfriend is immature and unnecessary to the unfolding story.
Nice writing style. I look forward to reading more in the future.
As you did to my boyfriend in our unfortunate situation, you are diving completely too far into student’s personal lives. I think that student’s should be entitled to more privacy than this, especially when dealing with such difficult personal matters…. I understand this broadcasts attempt to be thorough and reputable, but doing it at the expense of other student’s wellbeing and privacy during extremely difficult times in their lives just seems insensitive and cruel.