Student Robbed at Gunpoint

An Elon student was robbed at gunpoint early Friday morning behind building D of the Trollinger Apartments. According to the police report, a black male took the student’s wallet and iPhone 4s. The student was not harmed during the confrontation.
The police report describes one suspect as a 5 foot 7 inch, 25-year old black male wearing a navy blue hoodie and dark pants.
Police urge anybody with information related to the incident to contact them at 336-584-1301.
Below is the Smith Jackson email about the incident. Stick with Elon Local News as we continue to find out more information.
Dear Students,
An Elon student reported to the Town of Elon Police that at approximately 2:30 a.m. this morning he walking home alone when he was robbed by 3 males at gun point (handgun). The incident occurred on Trollinger Street near the Trollinger apartments. Our student was not physically harmed. He could not give a description of the men. There was a delay in the incident being reported as our student’s phone was taken. The Town of Elon police responded to the scene and are investigating.
Please contact 911 immediately if you have any information about this incident or witness suspicious behavior.
Walk in pairs during the evening and early morning hours.
When walking alone, it is good to contact those where you are going to let them know when you are arriving
When walking alone, be aware of your surroundings; having someone on your cell phone is a good practice so they can know where you are and contact police if needed.
Contact Campus Security Escort Service ANYTIME by calling 278-5555 (extension 5555 on campus) for an escort on campus
E-Rides provides rides from any location on campus to off-campus residences within the “10-minute walking radius” of campus, Monday through Thursday, 7 pm to 2 am, and Friday, 7-10 pm. Call Campus Security at 278-5555.
Information on emergency phones on campus and other safety information may be found at the Campus Safety and Security website
· Calling 911 yields the fastest response, whether on or off campus, and activates the needed police, fire and medical resources in the proper jurisdiction through its GPS systems. Please make calling 911 IMMEDIATELY your automatic response to any security or suspicious situation.
Smith Jackson
Vice President for Student Life
Dean of Students
Elon University
our police force needs to stop breaking up college parties, drinking coffee outside of kangaroo, and pulling “suspicous-looking” 21 year olds for purchasing alcohol and start taking business of the real issues at Elon.