ELN Year in Review 2013 SPECIAL

“ELN Year in Review 2013” recapped all the best moments from Elon Local News during the 2012-2013 academic year. Chick-fil-A and Aaron Mellette topped our list of breaking-news stories, radio and morning shows highlighted new broadcasts and the ELN staff shared their memories about our leaders.
Watch ELN Year in Review 2013 here:

Brian Mezerski is a junior media arts & entertainment major and Communications Fellow. He currently serves as Production Manager for Elon Local News and has served previously as anchor and reporter. He loves student media and has worked with ELN, WSOE 89.3fm and Elon Student Television, among others. He also attended the Elon in LA summer program and elon@sundance experience. He most recently interned with FremantleMedia North America, one of the world’s largest television production companies.