Graham Man Charged With Killing Elon Woman

William Scott, 36 of Graham, NC.
A Graham man is facing second degree murder charges for a fatal wreck in June on the intersection of University Drive and Manning Avenue.
William Scott, 36, is also charged with Felony and Misdemeanor Death by Motor Vehicle and Second Degree Murder.
Elon Police say Scott was driving a 2013 Jeep Wrangler when he collided with Veocia Warren, 63 of Elon, in her 2003 Chevrolet Impala.
Warren died as a result of the collision.
According to the Elon Police, Scott’s blood alcohol content during the accident was .22.
Scott is being held in Alamance County jail on $225,000 bail. His first court appearance is scheduled for Sept. 16.
Posted in: Crime