Important Tips Every Freshman Should Know

The school year has just begun and every new experience seems exciting and fresh, but living on your own can sometimes be a challenge. Here are a few tips that will help you have a fantastic first year at Elon.
Tip #1: Be on time to class. Don’t run into class late because you were getting a cup of coffee, unless you brought an extra for your professor! Depending on your professor’s syllabus, being even five minutes late can be the same as an unexcused absence. Remember this easy rule, “early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.”
Tip #2: Know where the Ellington Health Center is located. The Ellington Health Center moved to South Campus which can be confusing to find. Walk under the railroad tracks and down South O’Kelly Ave. The health center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tip #3: Go to College Coffee! College Coffee is every Tuesday from 9:40 to 10:20 at either the Phi Beta Kappa Plaza. It’s a great time not only to get free food but also the perfect opportunity to talk to professors. If you’re lucky you can also spot President Lambert! If weather conditions change, check the website to find the new location. Also, don’t forget to follow College Coffee on Twitter: @CollegeCoffeeEU.
Tip #4: Do your laundry during irregular hours. To avoid all of the washers and dryers being taken, try to do your laundry on off times. Sundays are peak laundry days, and there is going to be competition for washers and dryers. Instead, try doing them on a Monday between classes. Also, if you don’t want your laundry to turn out pink, make sure you separate your colors!