Alexis Gray Update

ELN first broke the news that an Alamance County Judge lifted Alexis Gray’s requirement to wear an electronic monitoring device, and Vice President of Student Life Smith Jackson has now emailed the school about it.
“Ms. Gray’s attorney requested the requirement of the monitoring device be lifted to alleviate her expense for the device and to allow her to move forward with her educational and career pursuits,” Jackson said.
Jackson’s email added Gray is currently at her Holland, PA home and is facing a felony charge for possession of a weapon on a college campus.
Last November, Campus Police pulled over Gray’s vehicle and found a rifle in her car. In a 911 call, Gray’s father said she was coming to visit her ex-boyfriend.
Gray is scheduled to appear in court on December 11, 2013.
Gray is not allowed to travel to North Carolina for anything other than court appearances. She is also banned from the town of Elon and the university.
“Ms. Gray has complied with all bond requirements and her attorney told the court that she has made progress in her treatment and is not a threat to the safety of anyone at Elon,” Jackson said.
The full email is below. Stick with Elon Local News for continuing coverage.
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
I am writing with an update about an incident that occurred at Elon last November, when Alexis Morgan Gray, 18, of Holland, Penn., allegedly made threats against an Elon student and came onto campus with weapons in her vehicle. While we normally would not notify the campus about the status of such a case, I am doing so because Alamance County District Attorney Pat Nadolski notified Elon’s president and director of campus safety and police that the court has lifted a requirement that Gray wear an electronic monitoring device. Since this was a high-profile incident last year, we want to keep the campus informed.
Ms. Gray is currently at home in Pennsylvania awaiting trial on a felony charge for possession of a weapon on educational property (Elon University) and is restricted from traveling to North Carolina or contacting anyone at Elon. Although the court lifted the monitoring device requirement, it left all other bond restrictions in place. Ms. Gray has complied with all bond requirements and her attorney told the court that she has made progress in her treatment and is not a threat to the safety of anyone at Elon. Ms. Gray’s attorney requested the requirement of the monitoring device be lifted to alleviate her expense for the device and to allow her to move forward with her educational and career pursuits.
I do want to remind everyone that staying alert as members of our community is our best defense against crime, and that the best response to any safety and security concern is to call 911 immediately
Smith Jackson
Vice President for Student Life
Dean of Students
Elon University