Singing group holds book drive benefit concert

On Saturday, a cappella singing group Twisted Measure presented an Aca-Book Drive, a concert to benefit the Worldwide Book Drive, a philanthropic business that works to distribute books to people in need.
Admission was free with one book donation, and attendance was so great that the number of book donations was far more than anticipated by Twisted Measure members.
But Twisted Measure wasn’t singing solo that night. They were joined by other Elon a cappella groups and ones from N.C. State and Davidson.
Emcee of the event and Twisted Measure member Powell Mansfield said he was very impressed by the support of students and hopes the singing group will do more events to help people outside of Elon in the future.
All donations are sorted and distributed to organizations and areas where the books are most needed. The books collected are free to those in need who may not have the means to buy the books on their own.