Spring Registration Tips

A stressful time at Elon is quickly approaching-registration for winter term and spring classes. Here are some tips to be prepared and less stressed for the days ahead.
First, plan ahead. The degree audit on OnTrack shows students what classes they need to take to graduate. OnTrack also offers major and minor checklists, so make sure to check yours to know what classes are required for your major or minor.
Second, have a back-up plan. Depending on your registration time, course selection could be slim. Make sure to have multiple options to decrease stress during the registration process.
Make sure you know your registration time. They can happen right before, during, and after classes, so be prepared. Remember to have an alarm set, and talk to your professor ahead of time if your registration time falls in a class period.
Finally, make sure to meet with your academic advisor. They have to grant access to OnTrack before students can register for classes.
Keep calm and stay aware of these tips, and there should have no problems during registration.