Tapped Out! invites audiences into the world of Fine Arts

While some might view Fine Arts as intimidating, one Winter Term class seeks to put all stereotypes to rest.
Tapped Out! taught by Gene Medler, seeks to introduce the community to the wonders of tap dancing and Fine Arts in general. The class makes up The Elon Tap Ensemble, which meets five times a week to culminates in a weekend long showcase of tap and performance. While each member of the class comes from a different background of tap, each shares a love for dance.
The group is celebrating its ninth year in production, and with each passing year comes with the opportunity to engage and excite audiences about the world of tap dancing.
The culminating performance features various tap genres including contemporary, soft shoe and a cappella singing, as well as improvisation. Both students and faculty choreograph the numbers that students perform.
Senior and co-assistant director of Tapped Out!, Julie Crothers, has been a member of the program for three years and sees the performance as more than just a class, but rather a way engage students in the enchantment of the world of dance in a casual setting.
“Students should come to Tapped Out! because it’s a really easy way to get into the world of performing arts that Elon has to offer,” Crothers said. “I think it bridges the gap between the non-performing world and the performing arts department.”
Tapped Out! will show this weekend, January 24-25, at McKinnon Hall, with shows on Friday, 6 and 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 2 and 3:30 p.m. Admission is $12 per ticket or free with an Elon ID.