Local town offers nature trails for visitors

If you’re looking to get off campus for the day, take a drive short to Saxapahaw, N.C.
First, stop by the general store, which features a menu of local and organic foods created by owner and head chef, Jeff Barney.
“We came and changed the convenience store from a hotdog roller and frozen pizzas to the menu you see here and an extensive everyday menu,” Barney said.
If you’re looking for something a little more outdoorsy, the Haw River is just down the hill. Haw River Canoe and Kayak operates a number of kayak and canoe adventures along more than 30 miles of the river, in addition to an overnight camping trip.
“You can really get to the wild areas of our land through our rivers. It’s common for you to see people go over the bridge but it’s not as common for you to see people paddle under the bridge” said rental operator and lead guide, Jacob Matheny.
Matheny has worked at Haw River Canoe and Kayak for over five years.
“My favorite part of my business it getting to bring people out who have never been boating before as well as instilling confidence through new paddling skills,” he said.
Saxapahaw also has growing hiking and mountain biking trails in the works, so whether you’re looking for something to do over spring break, or for a day trip during the semester, Saxapahaw has something for everyone.
“it’s a very genuine place where businesses are working with a conscience and it’s reflected in the quality of food, the quality of the total experience here,” Barney said.