Local residents put art work on display in Alamance studio tours

Residents of Alamance County displayed their artistic talents this past weekend in the Alamance studio tours. There were 38 artists of various backgrounds and professions who opened their homes to the people of Burlington, N.C. in hope to not only make some money, but to share their inspirations with everyone. Artists like Melissa Walker see the studio tours as a way to open up to others and share a piece of her life.
“I really like the abstract qualities of the abstract expressionalism, the intuitive part of it, just working with the colors, and the textures and the shapes on the canvas rather than create something realistic,” Walker said.
The Alamance studio tours are run by the Alamance Artisans Guild a local artist organization, which provides increased awareness for local artists and their works. This year marks the fifth anniversary since the tours started and to celebrate the Guild has increased its studio tour hours by adding on an extra weekend to view the exhibits.
“There are artists all over the county that participate; painters, potters, jewelers, glass artists, people that weave so there are a lot of different types of artists that you can see during the tour,” Walker said.
Artists such as Beth O’ Bryan, who focuses on landscaping and watercolor paintings, is just happy to show her work.
“Well we are thrilled to be able to put our work out here and share it with people and we are thankful they come by and look at it and hopefully someone will take it home with them,” O’ Bryan said.
Despite the differences found in their art, all of the artists share a united sense of excitement in being able to present their art the way they want to and relishing in the joy they receive watching as others appreciate their art.
“I think art really adds to the quality of life to any community and it just opens people’s eyes to new ways of looking at things. New ways of looking at the world, landscape, people, even mundane objects that you might find in your home,” O’ Bryan said.
Although this year’s Alamance studio tours are over, they are expected to come again next year with just as much passion and talent as it did this year.