Limelight artist puts final touches on album

Senior Connor Whitaker is putting the final touches on an album nearly two years in the making. Whitaker is part of the Limelight Group, a student-run record label that promotes and produces artists work.
Limelight provides artists like Connor with all the tools necessary to produce an album and land gigs.
Senior Herbie Lutvak is Whitaker’s sound engineer and producer. The duo have worked together for the past two years to release Whitaker’s first full album. Lutvak said he wanted to make Whitaker’s album since he first heard his music.
“I heard one of his songs and I said that’s really cool; I knew I wanted to make Connor’s album and that was something I wanted to do since sophomore year,” Lutvak said. “Then he became a Limelight artist and I said if anyone else makes your album I’m going to really upset. So, this a culmination of a really long time.”
Whitaker and Lutvak finished recording over the weekend and the album should be released in the early spring once the mixing and mastering is completed this winter. For the duo, their musical accomplishment is an act of passion and their not after the fame and money.
“I do this because I want people to hear my music. For me this is the way that I feel about whatever topic and I’m kind of releasing it for myself and if you relate to it, then that’s really cool,” Whitaker said.
Whitaker’s album includes 10 songs, all of which were written by him. Lutvak has produced every song as well, and has worked with Whitaker from the inception to perfect the sound of his album. Lutvak said the album should make you feel like your sitting on the porch with friends listening to someone play their guitar.