Pi Kappa Phi fraternity under hazing investigation
Updated: Sunday Feb. 15 at 8:30 p.m.
Elon’s Pi Kappa Phi chapter is under investigation by the Office of Student Conduct for alleged hazing, according to Dean of Students, Smith Jackson.
“The investigation will be done thoroughly and expeditiously,” Dean Jackson said in an email to ELN Sunday night. “We do not want to set a date and rush this process. Hopefully the investigation will be completed within a week or two.”
The alleged hazing is said to have taken place during Pi Kappa Phi’s new member education process.

According to Dean Jackson, Pi Kappa Phi’s on-campus fraternity house is only open to members who currently live there.
“The brothers of Pi Kappa Phi are aware of the allegations and are focused on fully cooperating with Elon University as well as our National Organization throughout the investigation,” Eric Burgess, Elon’s Pi Kappa Phi chapter president, said in a statement to ELN.
Since the investigation is ongoing, Dean Jackson said the University does not want to compromise the situation by releasing information on how Elon officials were made known of the alleged hazing.
He said that all of Pi Kappa Phi’s activities have been suspended pending the results of the investigation.
Activities included in this suspension are new member meetings or activities, chapter meetings, intramurals or any philanthropic events.
According to Dean Jackson, this suspension applies to all activities on and off campus.
During this investigation, the on-campus Pi Kappa Phi house will remain open, but only to those who currently live in the house.
University officials and the Office of Greek Life said they are working with the men in Pi Kappa Phi to keep them informed on the situation as the investigation progresses. Dean Jackson said that “student safety and well being” is at the top of the university’s concern.
“Pi Kappa Phi shares Elon’s concern for the safety and well being of our students, and the National Headquarters staff will continue to work closely with the University to thoroughly investigate the alleged incidents,” Justin Angotti, Assistant Executive Director of Education & Accountability of Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity, said in an email to ELN.
On Friday, Feb. 6, Elon fraternities distributed bids asking new members to join their chapters. Elon’s chapter of Pi Kappa Phi’s Facebook page said, as of Feb. 12, there are 16 new associate members.
According to their website, Elon’s Epsilon Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was founded in 1979.
This is the second hazing investigation Elon has conducted this school year. In November, Elon upheld its three-year suspension of Sigma Pi after the university released a statement saying a campus investigation found evidence of hazing within the fraternity in Fall 2014.
As for what the latest investigation means for Greek Life at Elon University, Dean Jackson said, “We will further emphasize our ongoing educational programming and communication of expectations that hazing is not acceptable and is contrary to the values of all Greek organizations and the university’s honor code, for all student organizations and programs.”
Elon has its own website on how the University prevents and responds to investigations of hazing. Dean Jackson said the main honor code principle the University emphasizes when it comes to hazing is Respect, which he says the University defines as, “Be civil. Value the dignity of each person. Honor the physical and intellectual property of others.”
The number for Elon’s Hazing Hotline, which Dean Jackson said Student Conduct monitors daily, is 336-278-HAZE (4293).
This is an ongoing investigation. Elon Local News will update this story as more information becomes available.
Your logic is the exact cause of the pussification of America. You have no idea what Greek life is about and definitely did not get a bid because you have no idea what true brotherhood is. Go live you basic boring life somewhere else.
How unfortunate to see “John Doe” regurgitate the typical language of perceived “hypermasculinity” and aggression so often seen in those who lack an understanding of both the collegiate experience an the fraternal experience.
New member education and acceptance is not based on ritualistic violence, misogony, binge drinking, and racism.
It is illegal and immoral to haze, to drink and binge drink (at least underage), and to perpetrate sexual violence.
To be blunt: if you feel embarassed to have been a part of a system which now values people and individuals and complies with the federal, state, and University requirements, get out. Drop you alumni membership, and leave your fraternity. And, don’t come back to try to re-start violence, hatred, and your sense of “masculinity”. We don’t need, or want you.
This exemplifies the hypersensitive politically correct culture Elon has adopted. Pledging a fraternity is not supposed to be easy. If your pledging consists of talking about your feeling, playing musical chairs, and throwing a “sick” party then you are a social club, not a fraternity. I am going to return to campus in 20 years and look at the emasculated state of the fraternal organizations and be embarrassed that I ever was part of it.
Didn’t think those losers had it in them