Residents participate in Alamance-Burlington Senior Games

83-year-old Billy Warren has been participating in the Alamance-Burlington Senior Games for the past eight years. And there’s one sport that keeps him coming back.
“Bowling is my favorite, yes!” Warren said.
And it’s easy to tell why.
“I bowled about four strikes in the last game,” he said.
Bowling is just one of many events offered in the Senior Games. Others include track and field, cycling, swimming and tennis. The Games are open for participants over 50 years old and will be happening through May 14th.
Coordinator of the Games, Jane Smith, said it’s rewarding to organize an event that means so much to the senior citizens of Alamance County.
“It’s great! It’s great fun and we have great participants,” Smith said. “We have some of the nice people that you could ever expect who just want to have fun and play!”
Smith said she loves watching the participants have a good time.
“I think they absolutely love it! Some people do not see each other for a year but they always look forward to seeing each other.”
And Warren says that’s why he looks forward to the Games each year.
“I enjoy being with the people and all that,” he said. “And it’s a lot of fun!”
“It’s a health and wellness program as well as a social program,” Smith said.
While both tennis and bowling are already over, participants can look forward to the rest of the Games throughout the month.