Update: Rosales’ condition improving

Gabriela Rosales is able to write more words with her right hand, three months after being hit by a car while crossing North Williamson Ave. in Elon.
According to her CaringBridge site, which her family uses to give updates on Rosales’ condition, her walking has improved as well.
Associate Chaplain for Catholic Life, Gerry Waterman, is visiting Rosales at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and says he has been able to see an improvement in her condition after each visit.
“The time before last that I spent with Gaby and her Mom, she seemed to be a frightened child. Unable to speak and walking with great difficulty, and with minimal mobility with her one arm,” he said. “At this visit, I encountered a very different person. Hugging, walking, eating, posing for photos with her three sisters, Mom and me.”
Waterman says that her therapy is intense, but that he has been able to see the results.
“She is moving forward slowly, learning something new each day and we are all hopeful that she will be speaking and singing very soon,” Waterman said. Rosales is not currently enrolled as a student for Fall 2015.
To donate to Rosales’ recovery, visit her CaringBridge site.
Here is the full update, from her most recent journal post:
Gabriela is recovering everyday more and more. She is now eating almost everything at the hospital and she is doing it with her right hand which she is now using very well. She has no tracke or peg. She is able to write her name and last name and now she is writing a few words. Her walking has improved so much that she is able to walk with one person holding her. Her sisters came almost 2 weeks ago and she does not stop smiling or laughing at their funny stories or videos. She is really enjoying the family being here with her. Everyday she gets stronger physically.