N.C. Senators put their team spirit to the test in Super Bowl 50 wager

Some people are willing to bet money on their team’s success in the Super Bowl this Sunday. For the Senators Cory Gardner, R-CO, Michael Bennet, D-CO, Thom Tillis, R-NC, and Richard Burr,R-NC , a slice of humble pie is on the line.
Colorado Sen. Gardner and Bennet recently accepted a Super Bowl 50 wager from North Carolina Sen. Tillis and Burr requiring the senators from the losing state of this year’s game deliver a speech on the Senate floor. This year, the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers go head to head for the championship title. If the Panthers win, it will be their first Super Bowl victory in history. The Panthers last Super Bowl appearance was in Super Bowl XXXVIII, in 2004.
The wager has 4 components for the congratulatory speech to satisfy the bet:
- The losing freshman Senator must give specific shout outs to the Super bowl champion’s head coach, quarterback, fan base, and detail the greatness of the Super Bowl champion’s home state during the speech
- The losing Senators must wear a tie of the color of the Super Bowl champion during the speech
- The winning freshman Senator must be presiding over the Senate as the losing freshman Senator delivers his speech
- For an added dose of humility, the written remarks must be reviewed and approved in advance by the winning Senators.
Sen. Tillis and Burr feel confident in the Panthers success. The Senators are looking forward to “seeing our freshman colleague from Colorado take the Senate floor as he acknowledges the passing of the mantle from Peyton Manning to Cam Newton as the NFL’s newest legend, praises the unwavering devotion of the Panthers fan base, and recognizes that the Panthers are truly one of the greatest teams in NFL history”, said the Senators.
Sen. Gardner and Bennet feel equally as confident about the wager. “When Senator Tillis and Burr proposed this friendly Super Bowl wager, we didn’t have to think twice about accepting their challenge. We have 100% confidence in the Broncos and Peyton Manning,” said the Senators.
If the Panthers are victorious, Sen. Tillis and Burr have one final request of Sen. Gardner for his congratulatory speech.
“We can only hope that Senator Gardner will conclude his speech by gifting Panthers fans with his best rendition of Neil Diamond’s ‘Sweet Caroline’.”