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SGA unanimously passes resolution against HB2

SGA unanimously passed a resolution against the controversial House Bill 2 at its meeting Thursday night. All 30 members of the Senate who were present approved the resolution. “I thought it would pass, but I wasn’t expecting unanimous,” SGA President and junior Kyle Porro said. “I was expecting a little bit of pushback. … “I wouldn’t say the student ...Full Article

2016 SGA Election Results Announced

Senior class president Sean Barry and senior class vice president Robert Danis announced SGA’s Election results this afternoon in Moseley Center. The results: The amendments to the constitution passed, 1677 ...Full Article

Class of 2019 Student Government Election Speeches

The following students are running for positions in the Student Government Association’s Fall 2015 Election. Click on the name to the right of the candidate’s photo to watch their speech. Voting ...Full Article

Getting to know SGA’s president elect

Avery Steadman, figure skating enthusiast, accounting major, and newly elected SGA President. Steadman was raised in Buffalo, N.Y., where she acquired a passion for figure skating. “When we moved to ...Full Article

Many candidates for SGA positions run unopposed in upcoming election

The voting process for next year’s Student Government Association (SGA) representatives begins tomorrow morning, but there aren’t many students in the candidate pool. Out of the nearly 40 positions students ...Full Article

SPECIAL COVERAGE: 2015 SGA Speeches & Presidential Debate

2015 Candidate Information & SpeechesFull Article

SGA’s Executive Secretary Resigns

Elon Student Government Association’s Executive Secretary Matthew Crehan has resigned, citing personal issues. The resignation is effective immediately. Crehan was elected to the position of Executive Secretary in February of ...Full Article

Behind the nameplate with Student Government President Joe Incorvia

Samuel Warren, Darien Flowers, Welsford Bishopric. These three men have represented Elon, and now the newest SGA President takes his seat at the head of the Executive Staff. Junior ...Full Article

SGA election speeches & debates 2014

2014 Candidate Information & Speeches Individual candidate speeches will be posted following our election coverage Monday night.Full Article

Elon Makes Changes to Football Tailgating

Bank of America Drive was full of excitement on Saturday as the Elon community gathered to tailgate before the first home football game of the season. But this year the atmosphere ...Full Article

Freshman Student Government Candidate Speeches

Freshmen candidates for SGA office gave their speeches on Wednesday, September 4 in the SGA office in Moseley Center. You can watch the speeches here, exclusively on Elon Local ...Full Article

SGA Swears In New Sophomore Class Leaders

Elon’s Student Government Association swore in three new members on Thursday to replace three sophomore class members who resigned over the summer. Former Sophomore Class Vice President Ruth Robinson, ...Full Article

Student Government Association Election Results

Executive: SGA President- Welsford Scott Bishopric Vice President- Joe Incorvia Treasurer- Richmond Rosati Executive Secretary-Lauren Reiman Class of 2014: President: Connor O’Donnell Class of 2015: Vice President: Alexandra Shahade ...Full Article

SGA Speeches

Miss this SGA speeches? You can watch them below: Executive President: Patrick Brown Welsford Scott Bishopric Post Speech Interview with Patrick Brown Post Speech Interview with Welsford Scott Bishopric ...Full Article

SGA Freshman Speeches

Freshman President: Alexandre Bohannon Chris Johnston John Cameron Crowder Matthew McCann Taylor DeBlock Freshman Vice President: Brandon Anderson Madison Tamblyn Ruth Robinson TJ Mullen Will Dawkins Freshman Senator: Ashleigh ...Full Article