Elon man arrested on rape and burglary charges

A well-known West End Terrace employee was arrested Sunday, April 27.
Anthony “Gus” Giannola, 31, of 111 Bell Tower Ct., faces charges for felony second degree rape and burglary. He is currently being held at Alamance County Jail under a $500,000 bond, and according to the arrest warrant, he is a flight risk.
Giannola is also facing separate charges for driving while impaired, driving while license revoked, flight to elude arrest and resisting, delaying and obstructing a law-enforcement officer.
According to the arrest warrant, the incident occurred 90 minutes after three Elon football players were injured in a fight at the same house on West College Avenue.
According to VP of Campus Life, Giannola was discovered by Elon students in a locked room with an unidentified female student. The students then called police and detained Giannola.