Elon, North Carolina|Friday, January 27, 2017
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Red Bud farm Takes Action Against Hunger 


Feeding America brings attention to poverty and food insecurity by naming September National Hunger Action Month. The organization’s efforts have rallied Americans to get involved in their communities by assisting in the fight to end hunger.

In 2012, 46.5 million Americans were living in poverty and 15 percent of all households were food insecure, according to Feeding America. These statistics expose the sad truth that many Americans are unable to afford life’s most basic essential - food.

People around the country have joined with Feeding America to help slash these numbers for future generations. Local farms in our community, like Redbud Farm Certified Organic, are doing their part in their own special ways.  

Clay Smith and Nancy Joyner own and operated Redbud Farm in Burlington, N.C. Throughout the year, they grow sustainable and organic crops to sell to the local community. They sell their produce at the Burlington Co-op and farmers markets across the state and even at the Elon Farmers Market.

Smith and Joyner have impacted the community in an immensely positive way through their efforts. They donate their foods to Allied Churches, the Food Faith Shuttle, individuals and other local organizations like the Civitan Club. They also work with their farmers markets to provide customers with the best local foods at an affordable price.

The Raleigh Downtown Farmers Market accepts Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Clay says many vendors even double the value for their costumers in need.

Red Bud farm is dedicated to providing the best quality produce to help improve the environment and the overall health of the local community. Smith and Joyner said they believe eating locally grown food is essential for the future health and well being of human beings. Their produce can be found at the Elon Farmers Market and they even offer home delivery service in the Elon area.


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