ELN Morning Clean Eats Challenge

Finding an available treadmill in Belk Gym is nearly impossible in the beginning of the school year. Having a regular workout schedule is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but many people forget that physical fitness goes hand-in-hand with a healthy diet.
ELN Morning challenges you to a 30-day Clean Eats Challenge. Diets can seem intimidating, but you can think of this as nutritional therapy.
Rather than thinking of your meals as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you will be eating three meals a day. Each of your meals is based on a list of do and a list of don’ts. The foods you can eat include meats, eggs, seafood, veggies, fruits, sweet potatoes, and red and white potatoes. In addition you can eat nuts, seeds, and other healthy fats like avocados. Over the course of this 30-day challenge you cannot consume sugar of any kind, peanuts, dairy, grains, legumes, breads and alcohol.
As with most diets, the first week is the hardest. One way to combat this is doing the Clean Eats Challenge with a friend or family member to keep you motivated and focused. Other tips include adding spices to your flavor food so that you feel more satisfied. Most importantly drink plenty of water.
During this challenge you are not allowed to weigh yourself. The Clean Eats Challenge is not just about weight loss. It is about nutrition and healthy eating.
Share your 30-day clean eating journey with ELN Morning by posting pictures of your healthy meals on Twitter with #ELNMCleanEatsChallenge.